Icons for Plantronics

Here is a set of icons we designed for a famous headset manufacturer. Each icon represents its particular device in the Windows instruments section instead of a standard icon.


Система Orphus
Illustration design - Bluetooth Headset
Illustration design - Bluetooth Headset
Illustration design - Speakerphone
When Neal Armstrong stepped on the moon, he was communicating with Earth through a Plantronics headset. This is one of the facts that is making this company one of the world’s leading headset manufacturers and one of the reasons why each of its headsets should have an icon of its own and not a boring standard one..
Illustration design - Platronics
There are lots of different models and model series, but we have created an icon for each single one. For example, here are some of our speakerphone icons.
Illustration design - Speakerphone
Illustration design - Speakerphone
Illustration design - Speakerphone
Illustration design - Speakerphone
Bluetooth Headsets
When you use a Bluetooth headset with your desktop computer, you will also have your own device icon throughout the Windows OS.
Illustration design - Bluetooth Headset
Illustration design - Bluetooth Headset
Illustration design - Bluetooth Headset
Illustration design - Bluetooth Headset
Wireless Headsets
Wireless headsets icons, as well as all other icons, are the precise representations of their real life device. Each icon accurately reproduces every single element of the actual headset design.
Illustration design - Wireless Headset
Illustration design - Wireless Headset
Illustration design - Wireless Headset
Illustration design - Wireless Headset